Recent Exhibitions, and forthcoming..


Drawn to Cotehele 20230921_103309





‘For One Night Only’ June 2023 exhibition of work by  Plymouth Artists Collective.


2022 A quieter year, but I am taking part in Open Studios 27th Aug to 4th Sept.

Also Drawn to Make again – 28th and 29th below

Plymouth Art Trail  2022OS QR CODE 2022

FORTHCOMING EXHIBITIONS 2021Resurgam Drawn to the Valley’s Spring Exhibition, Tamar Valley Centre.       May 2021 , AND Summer Exhibition in Butchers Hall, Tavistock.

Drawn the The Valley Makers fair. October in Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock.

Drawn to Make - flyer


From Sept to November I will be showing new work in Threads In Sheds at Whitchurch Silk Mill, an exhibition of woven tapestry being organised by the British Tapestry Group.

Jillian Morris whole RockpoolingSelected work for Threads in Sheds exhibition.

‘Rockpooling’ woven tapestry.



Peter Tavy Guild Biennial Exhibition 2019.  The Wandering Thread.

Tapestry woven for Peter Tavy Guild Exhibition [poster image] The Wandering Thread to be held in Oct 2019.

‘Meander’ – one of my tapestries woven for the Peter Tavy Guild Exhibition.


In 2018 I had work exhibited at the Mall Gallery, London as part of ‘Drawn to London’ a mixed exhibition by some members of Drawn to the Valley.

Detail of woven vessel
Detail of woven vessel

Also in 2018 I took part in the first exhibition of the Plymouth Artists Collective which was held at The Cells Gallery, Devonport Guildhall.

My image for the poster….